In today’s competitive business world it is ever more important to use your marketing and advertising dollars more wisely. However, this is not a simple matter as there are so many ways to use those marketing dollars all of which promising you with getting new business, leads that convert to sales, taking your web site to the first page of Google, and the like. However, in reality you pay too much for what you get.
We believe that you shouldn’t have to pay hundreds and thousands of dollars every month just to receive some sales leads! It is neither fair to you nor to your customers as the costs have to be passed on to the customers for your business to survive. And that hurts your business!
Renobits provides you with the ideal target audience for your services. Its users are real estate investors and property managers. So when you make your business available on Renobits, you are presenting it to serious customers who are ready to hire, understand what it takes to get a project done, and are familiar with the costs. These are not web surfers who may see a show on TV and decide to get a free estimate the next day to remodel their kitchens and after a few days realize that they didn’t want the remodel them in the first place!
Becoming a member of Renobits community is easy. It only takes 5 minutes! Once your create your account you can proceed by creating a business profile for your business. Your business profile includes:
- A general information page (your business name, address, etc.)
- A services area section to list your area of operations
- A photo gallery to show sample of your previous work or any other picture that you want to share with potential customers
Upon creation of your business profile your business becomes part of a searchable database of budget-friendly contractors that is used by the users. Members can can contact you with the details of their projects using Renobits Messaging feature. Your messages will be delivered right into your Renobits Inbox.
Renobits is affordable. There is no charge for receiving any leads. In addition your membership will be free until the end of 2020!